Credit Card Configuration

This appendix contains the following topic:

Introduction to Credit Card Configuration

XCharge™ Credit Card Processing Software

Configuring POS for Credit Card Authorization


Introduction to Credit Card Configuration

Integrated credit card processing with XCharge® is available within the POS Software. With this feature, credit card payments can be processed directly from the POS payment screen from Transactions (Enter)..

Electronic verification systems allow merchants to verify that a credit card is valid and the credit card customer has sufficient credit to cover the purchase in a few seconds, allowing the verification to happen at time of purchase.

The verification is performed using a credit card payment screen, interfaced with the PBS Point of Sale system, with a communications link to the merchant's acquiring bank (XCharge). Data from the card is obtained from a magnetic stripe or chip on the card. You may also manually enter the card number, expiration date and so on.

There are several steps for setting up credit card verification in POS:

Contact your PBS provider to obtain an RW.LIC that includes the credit card software subscription. Without the subscription you may be able to enter multiple payments in the POS payment window. With the subscription you are also allowed to use fully integrated credit card processing.

In A/R and O/E a credit card software subscription also allows you to use multi-payments, including XCharge credit card processing, when using A/R Cash receipts, A/R Invoices and O/E transaction processing. For more information on the A/R and O/E setup, see the PBS Multi-payment Setup appendix in the A/R User documentation.

Once you have the new file, save a copy of the current RW.LIC file. Copy the new RW.LIC to the top-level PBS folder, overwriting the previous one. Log into PBS to verify that you can still use each active module. If not, put the old RW.LIC back and contact your PBS provider for instructions.

Once the new RW.LIC is installed and verified as okay, select Multi payments in the A/R Control information Invoice pmt type field and then enter the Credit card processor field. Finally, if you are using O/E, you enter the Allow cash/check on orders field.
Enter Payment codes using the P/S menu selection of Payment codes found under Setup information. You should set up at least one credit card payment code type.

You must determine the Cash accounts that you want to use with each payment code. For example, cash and checks could be one account and the credit cards can use a separate account. Or you may want to have cash, check and credit cards use the same main account, but each payment code uses a different sub account.

If you interface with Check Reconciliation and you want to reconcile your credit card statement, you may want to keep credit card payments separate from cash and checks. This can be done by selecting specific cash accounts for cash and checks vs. credit cards. The main accounts can match - only the sub accounts need to be different.

Contact Accelerate Payment Technologies (XCharge) to set up an account at (800) 637-8268. You may see more information at

Install and configure the XCharge software on each client that uses PBS Point of Sale credit card processing. If you are using Remote Desktop Connection, see Windows Server using RDP.

Even though XCharge is fully integrated with PBS, it is a separate non-Passport product. Please contact the provider for help with installation and configuration.

Set up a PBS Point of Sale store to interface with the XCharge software.

XCharge will only operate on a PBS system installed in a UNIX/Linux environment if you have Thin client.

XCharge™ Credit Card Processing Software

XCharge is a third party software product that provides credit card verification and integrates with Passport’s Point of Sale . It replaces dedicated payment processing terminals (e.g. credit card machines) and supports all major credit cards and more.

XCharge credit card processing software also supports payment processing over existing dial-up phone lines or for faster credit card processing, any type of Internet connection. If using an Internet connection you may use dial-up as a backup method during an Internet connection problem.

For more information on signing up, installing and using the XCharge software, See

The XCharge product must be installed on each client where the credit card authorization is enabled.

Windows Server using RDP

XCharge will install on the C drive of the server and multi users can use the same install if they are connecting via RDP or Terminal Services. If the Windows Server and Terminal Server are 2 different physical servers then XCharge will install on the Windows server the Terminal Server is connecting to.

Mapped Server/Peer to Peer/Thin client

XCharge will not run from a mapped drive so XCharge will have to be installed on the clients that will need to provide credit card processing with the server software installed on one of the clients and the clients installed on all the credit card processing clients. The client will need to point back to the XCharge server. Thin client requires the same type of setup.

Configuring POS for Credit Card Authorization

There are several configuration options that require settings before you may run XCharge with PBS Point of Sale.

Store Settings and Result File

There are two fields in the store record that require settings when using credit card authorization.

A Use XCharge field setting indicates if you are using credit card authorization. If set to Y, then you must enter the path to the result file. A result file contains the results of a credit card authorization request.

You must enter a path in the XCharge result file location field. The XCharge result file location can be anywhere as long as it is accessible from all clients. A mapped drive that is the same on all credit card processing clients or a shared UNC address are both fine. When the path/UNC address is entered in the store record the path is verified and if it does not exist you will be prompted to create the folder.

The Path/UNC Address is 260 bytes long and is broken into four 65 byte entry fields.

The Path/UNC Address cannot contain spaces and must end with a \. If there are spaces or it does not end with \, an error is displayed and the user must correct the error.

Refer to the Stores chapter for setting these fields.

XCharge creates a result file using the store record XCharge Result file location. The file name is the Store number plus the transaction number plus a 2 digit sequence number. The POS payment program will then read the result file and store all the result information into the payment record and continue if the Credit Card transaction was accepted.

Here is an example of a result file:











The possible result file types are Purchase and Return.

If the Credit Card transaction was declined then a message will display and return to the payment code selection. When the verification does not take place, then the result file contains:

RESULT=Transaction not completed

Client Installation Credit Card Configuration

During POS Payment entry on the transaction screen, when processing a Credit card payment type, XCharge is called, the credit card is processed and you are returned to PBS. If another window is open and active before PBS is started that window will become active.